Transform Strategy into Action
Harness Community Wisdom
Turn Information into Insights
Mentor for Success
Preserve Knowledge

Why Capture+

Transform Strategy into Action

The biggest challenge a company faces in executing its strategy is making that strategy meaningful to its teams in the field. Many employees can’t even tell you what your firm’s strategy is. And if they don’t know what the strategy is — or why it’s relevant to their daily tasks — they will be less motivated and/or less able to implement it effectively.

CapturePlus uses a powerful suite of tools to communicate strategy to your field teams and make it relevant! Flexible real-time Forums prompt your sales force to think about strategy in the terms that are most important to them: daily tasks and action items.

It’s easy to create Forums and publish them to your teams on the CapturePlus platform! And with over 100 pre-designed, customizable templates, having CapturePlus is like having a virtual sales consultant coaching your field teams on everything from new product launches to product pricing issues.

Harness Community Wisdom

Organizations are often filled with knowledge which does not get shared! Too often expertise remains stuck in company silos because there’s no easy mechanism to share it across divisions, regions or levels.

CapturePlus engages your resident experts in Discussions topic-specific online conversations that can provide solutions and best practices on issues ranging from promotions to pricing.

When you publish Discussions on CapturePlus you are utilizing a dynamic, knowledge-sharing tool that allows geographically and/or functionally diverse employees to share expertise and information and ultimately learn how to implement your strategy more effectively.

Turn Information into Insights

The problem most managers face is not a lack of data. it’s the piecemeal, time consuming way that data is collected and the lack of tools to effectively derive insight from it.

For example, to understand why sales are flat-lining in a specific region, managers might suffer through a flurry of emails, phone calls and department meetings. At best this is inefficient and completely unscalable. Furthermore, in these “groupthink” situations it’s often difficult to get an unfiltered, unbiased view of the problem and potential solutions.

CapturePlus provides a framework for employee interactions around targeted business topics that enables a more honest, open and efficient sharing of information as well as a range of tools and filters to help managers glean the most insight from the online conversations happening within their organizations.

Mentor for Success

With far-flung sales teams and hectic schedules it’s hard to share your insights with or efficiently mentor all your direct reports much less your extended organization.

CapturePlus isn’t just a monitoring tool it’s a mentoring platform. And it allows mentoring on a massively scalable model. Instantly share your insights across the company, at targeted levels (e.g. Department Heads, Regional Managers, etc.) or into specific CapturePlus Discussion Groups.

Through real-time, scalable mentoring foster a sense of collaboration, energy and creative problem-solving... and help your teams achieve success.

Preserve Knowledge

Too often best practices aren’t shared, employees don’t know where to go for solutions outside their team or valuable knowledge walks out the door when an employee leaves the company. Your knowledge base is perishable and it shouldn’t be!

CapturePlus acts as a permanent repository of information that you and your teams can access at any time. All the published Discussions, Forums, Live Feeds are at the fingertips of any employee who needs them and they’re fully searchable.

Search a topic, find an expert. Engage in a dialogue with them and others right on the CapturePlus platform, using their previously shared insights or best practices as a great jumping off point.